Chipping Ongar Primary School Association
About Us
Chipping Ongar Primary School Association is an important support group for Chipping Ongar Primary School. All parents/carers of pupils at the school are automatically members of the School Association,(there are no membership fees).
The School Association is a registered charity, (no' 1144277), and arranges social functions and fundraising events for the benefit of the school, such as the Summer Fete. We also organise a Christmas Bazaar, Children's Fashion Shows, Family Discos, Magic Evenings, plus many others. All funds raised are given back to the pupils in various ways.
The School Association has funded various playground equipment and new sports kits and contributed towards school trips, as well as funding different projects around the school such as our outdoor classroom, bike shelter and most recently, the new play area in Key Stage 1.
The Committee hold an Annual General Meeting where new committee members are voted and the forthcoming year's programme of events is discussed.
There is an insurance policy in place which covers liability for those involved in School Association events and activities.
Dates for your Diary
Contact us at [email protected], via the School Office or find us on Facebook.